Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Calvin Klein Creme Shoes

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Hey you shoppers! We have a new item here! It's brand new and we guarantee you'll be stirring some guy's eyes when you put these fab shoes on! As it Calvin Klein's old season's item, we are having discounted price. Check this item out! As it is a neutral colour of cremish grey (more to the creme), it will match most of your outfits and make you look super gorgeous! So what are you waiting for??? Hurry and grab this supperbb cute shoes! Watch out, cause there will be new colours coming in, too! ;)

Hey shopperss!! Kita punya barang baru ready stock sepatu Calvin Klein lho! Cepetan beli, abisnya ada diskon gede2an! Karna ini barang season sebelumnya, jd kita potong harga dan kita kasih harga yang super murah dan super oke deh pkonya! Kualitasnya pun terjamin bagus dan masih baru! Oh iya, besok2 ada warna baru lagi yang akan datang! Ditunggu yaa.. :D

Size: 37
Colour: cremish grey
Usual Price: S$ 899 (Rp 6,293,000)

For more information, please contact Victor at We will reply to you in less than an hour.

The item is currently in Singapore, as we are locating in Singapore at the moment.

centralfaisal3 22 Aug, 2011

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