Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: tas kamera dan laptop bagman

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Dijual tas bagman model backpack warna coklat hitam,
umur baru 1 hari, beli kemaren, dijual soalnya kegedean

kompartemen kameranya bisa dilepas, begitu juga tempat laptopnya bisa dilepas, bahan anti air

berikut gambarnya:

Spoiler for GAMBAR:

Spoiler for GAMBAR:

Spoiler for GAMBAR:

Spoiler for GAMBAR:

Spoiler for GAMBAR:

Spoiler for GAMBAR:

Spoiler for GAMBAR:

Spoiler for GAMBAR:

hubungi 085624106929
ym :
lokasi : bandung

COD sangat diharapkan, kirim2an juga ok tapi ga pake rekber soalnya ane lagi butuh cepet buat beli tas lagi,

ok3Jeh 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Jual second Agenda Louis Vuitton EPI Leather Black 100% Original/Authentic

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Jual second Louis Vuitton Agenda EPI Leather Black 100% Original/Authentic.

mau di jual 2 juta aja, nego aluss gann....

kondisi Agenda 80% mulus ( ada noda tip-ex dikit di bagian belakang dan sedikit goresan di bagian dalam)

Boleh COD di Plaza Indonesia untuk terlebih dahulu menanyakan keasliannya di butik LV.

sms aja kalo minat untuk janjian liat barang nya terlebih dahulu, saya lokasi di Komplek Ancol Barat (komplek yang ada restoran nelayan ancol)
For fast response : 08121313110.

Pesan : kalo minat langsung aja sms (jangan PM), karena ane jarang online :)

Ini pic bagian depan nya :

ini pic bagian belakang yang ada noda kecil tip-ex :

ini gambar bagian samping nya :

ini pic bagian kiri dan kanan dalam yang ada lecet di ujung2 sudutnya :

dan ini pic bagian tengahnya :

ok3Jeh 22 Aug, 2011

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Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
ORIGiNAL CHANEL JUMBO black caviar, silver hardware, Single flap..
It's a MUST HAVE bag !!! Classic and everlasting bag !!
A very good investment since the price keep going higher !!

Contact : 0815.100.9.2828

ok3Jeh 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Coming Soon Goldenviesta Produsen Tas Terbaru

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Permisi agan2 sista2 semua.. :Yb :Yb :Yb
Mau ngasih inpoh lagi aja buat para pecinta tas akan segera hadir Goldenviesta Produsen Tas terbaru dengan harga yg murah dan juga berkualitas ! Menyediakan berbagai macam tas dan juga menerima pesanan pembuatan berbagai macam tas sesuai dengan kebutuhan agan2 dan juga sista2 ! kaya misalnya kalo ada yg butuh tas2 branding dengan logo perusahaan/organisasi/event/individu yang tercetak khusus pada tas untuk berbagai keperluan atau kegiatan ceremony bisa langsung mesen Ke Goldenviesta gitu ! :)b :)b

Dan tentunya harga dapat disesuaikan dengan Budget agan2 dan sista2..
Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi website kami di
atau yang mau :request bisa langsung hubungi ane di 082120749269 / 082116664213.

ok3Jeh 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Tas ransel mudik, tas ransel carier tas ransel backpaker

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Jual tas ransel khusus buat backpaker / camping Calvina, 100% original/ asli produksi pabrik tas Sakurajima Bandung.
lokasi di jalan Lodaya, dekat bursa buku palasari, seberang lapang gor sepak takraw lodaya,

contact person bapak denny 087888595888
berhubung lapak terbatas saya kesulitan upload brosur, jadi saya cerita dikit soal spesifikasinya :
1. punggung pake 2x pelat besi ukuran 500x15x2 mm, diperkuat dengan 8x 1" bisban supaya bahan tidak sobek dan punggung nyaman. apabila agan di rumah punya pelat alumunium tinggal pasang sendiri supaya ada efek "dingin" dan lentur.

2. dimensi Height x width x depth : 73 x 34 x 17 cm (galat 2cm), volume kurang lebih 42 litre, NW = 1.7 KG apabila diisi sampaipenuh masih ada extra 12 cm cover dari bahan nylon 210 D jadi barang pasti bisa ditutup rapih.

3. bahan nylon dolby, 840D, 210 D, polyester wire mesh
4. posisi pundak, kunci dada bisa diatur, handle pakai 18mm busa PE , nylon 840 D, polyester wire mesh

5. panjang pinggang bisa diadjust dari 31"-40" , pakai 18mm busa PE
6. saku samping muat 2x fresh tea 500 ml
7. di bagian belakang tutup ada kantung rahasia pakai seleting dengan lebar 19cm

8. di depan masih ada kantung rahasia.
9. kunci pinggang dan dada dari bahan ACT

ok3Jeh 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Polo Shirt Zara (original)

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Dijual 6 pcs Polo Shirt Zara (original) ukuran L bermacam-macam warna. Kondisi masih 90% karena rata-rata baru 2-3 kali di pakai. Alasan jual karena sekarang sudah pakai ukuran XL. Harga belum termasuk ongkir kalo beli 1 pcs, ongkir di tanggung apabila beli lebih dari 3 pcs.Peminat serius hubungi : 083151117777

endrian.hananto 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Car Organizer murah/ tas untuk perlengkapan dimobil

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!

UKURAN: 38 X 10 X 39 CM
4 warna : merah, pink fanta, hitam, biru muda
Harga :
Rp 80.000,- / pcs
Rp 75.000,- ( min 3 pcs )

hubungi :

0857 252 60810


0838 669 37773

CAR Organizer ini cocok buat ibu, bapak dan mbak sekalian yang membawa banyak peralatan dan perlengkapan yang diperluakan dan dapat digunakan sewaktu mengendarai mobil sehingga barang-barang tersebut selalu tersedia di mobil anda. barang tersebut seperti :
- kunci
- botol minum
- mainan anak
- bolpen
- hand phone
- koran/majalah
bisa terorganizer dg baik dan rapi.

CAR Organizer terdiri dari:
3 kantong kecil
2 gantungan kunci
2 kantong besar
1 kantong u/ btl minum
1 kantong besar berlesreting
2 kantong u/ tempat bolpen
1 kantong u/ tempat koran/majalah


kaskusqta 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Underware Case Organizer sekat bisa Dilepas/ underware oraganizer murah dan bagus

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Underware Case Organizer sekat bisa Dilepas

Dapat diisi 20 celana dalam dan 3-6 Bra.

Berminat ???

hubungi kami di

0857 252 60810


0838 669 37773


1. Rp 90.000,- ( 1-5 pcs)

2. Rp 75.000,- (min 6 pcs )

3. Rp 65.000,- ( min 12 pcs )

warna Merah, Biru, Orange, Pink Muda dan Magenta

ukuran 28 x 36 x 13 cm.

hubungi kami di

0857 252 60810


0838 669 37773

kaskusqta 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Traver Charger Organizer isi 4

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Travel Charger Organizer

Memudahkan anda untuk menata peralatan2 kecil anda sehingga mudah ketemu sewaktu anda mencarinya.
Bag ini cocok sebagai tempat chargeran utk menjaga agar kabel nya tetap awet (HP, BB, iPHONE, iPoD). Bisa jg sebagai tempat alat2 kosmetik maupun peralatan mandi anda.

Dengan Kualitas bahan bagus bisa dapet dengan harga MURAH???

Ayo tunggu apa lagi????

TCO isi 4 :
1. Rp. 38.000,- min 1-5 pcs
2. Rp. 34.000,- (min 6 pcs )

hubungi kami di

0857 252 60810


0838 669 37773


kaskusqta 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > POSHfor distro, spesial glow in the dark t-shirt

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you! set=a.189409091125462.51093.100001691163062&refid= 0

" My whole life"

hitam - lengan pendek
size M-L -XL
bahan cottoon combet 24s
sablon gambar vector + balon : nyala kena sinar (reflektor)
sablon tulisan : nyala saat gelap (glow in the dark)
IDR. 100.000 (size : M-L )
IDR. 110.000 (size : XL )
blm termsk ongkir

POSHfor Distro
jl. Rajawali Timur 110, Bandung
sms ke : 0878 2273 3528 - 0878 2113 8377 atau call us : (022 ) 72277782

edd.poshfor 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > mau glow in the dark t-shirt dg kualitas sip, hrg terjangkau? ada di POSHfor distro

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you! set=a.147447605321611.32736.100001691163062&refid= 0

PT.11051 Po- hijau
Glow in the dark t- shirt
bahan : cottoon combet 24s
warna : putih/hijau
size : M-L
IDR. 85.000
sms ke : 0878 2273 3528 - 0878 2113
8377 atau call us : (022 ) 72277782

edd.poshfor 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > ANGRY BIRDS -ANDROID cute, glow in the dark t-shirt

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you! set=a.128265767239795.23489.100001691163062&refid= 0

Follow me ..!!

size : M-L
warna : putih
cottoon combet 24s
IDR.90.000 (blm termsk ongkir)

call us :
POSHfor Distro
special glow in the dark t-shirt
sms ke : 0878 2273 3528 - 0878 2113
8377 atau call us : (022 ) 72277782

edd.poshfor 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > ANGRY BIRDS mania, glow in the dark t-shirt

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you! set=a.128265767239795.23489.100001691163062&refid= 0

warna : putih-hitam
size : M- L
IDR.115. 000 (blm termsk ongkir)

POSHfor Distro
glow in the dark distro
sms ke : 0878 2273 3528 - 0878 2113 8377 atau call us : (022 ) 72277782

edd.poshfor 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Celana Cardinal jeans Original (bandung only)

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
misi gan ane mau jual celan Branded nih cardinal jeans asli..
tp maaf gan gag ada gmbar nya..
ada tiga nih gan..
masing masing harganya..
- 180
- 200
- 250

dijamin ori gan soal nya nih langsung dari pabriknya dan bukan harga masuk toko...

yang minat cp aja gan bandung only lhoh...


mho 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Underware Organizer Motif / underware organizer motif murah dan cantik

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Dapatkan Underware Organizer Motif

HArga Rp 90.000,- setiap pembelian 1- 2 pcs

Harga Rp 85.000,- untuk pembelian minimal 3 pcs

kunjungi alamat kami di

kaskusqta 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > Tas semi kulit coklat dan tas laptop navy club

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Misi Gan ane buka lapak tas ane yg dah ga kepake lgi :

Tas merk L.C.W.N warna coklat semi kulit . 200 nego gan

ada minus dikitt gan

satu lagi tas laptop merk NAVY CLUB 150 nego dikit

minat sms 081286686086, COD jakpus

kaskusqta 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: Watch Case Organizer/ tempat jam tangan murah

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Dapatkan Tas Jam tersebut buat anda sekalian
yang suka mengkoleksi Jam tangan

Harga Rp 75.000,- untuk pembelian 1 pcs
Harga Rp 70.000,- untuk pembelian minimal 3 pcs

kunjungi alamat saya di

kaskusqta 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > glow in the dark t-shirt only

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
sisa size L 2 lagi..
IDR. 85.000
POSHfor Distro
jl. Rajawali Timur 110, Bandung
sms ke : 0878 2273 3528 - 0878 2113
8377 atau call us : (022 ) 72277782 set=a.147447605321611.32736.100001691163062&refid= 0

edd.poshfor 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > ( DICARI!!) Supplier / Distributor Baju , Celana , Kaos , Jaket Distro

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Gan, ane mw buka toko distro...
Nah...ane mw nyari supplier ato distributor yg suply barang ke ane...
yg harganya emg harga distributor ya?
Kalau bisa yg sistem konsinyasi ya?

kalau agan2 punya kenalan ato memang bergerak di distributor, ane minta infonya by pm ya?

Terima Kasih

edd.poshfor 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: [SALE RAMADHAN] Dompet Bendera Inggris / Union Jack New 250k

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
For Sale

Union Jack Wallet

Details :

Spoiler for Union Jack Wallet:

Condition : New ( beli dari kaskus juga buat hadiah temen, ternyata sudah dibelikan hadiah lain ).

Notes : Original Merchandise from UK with real leather.

Price : Rp. 250.000

================================================== ========
Lokasi seller di Denpasar, Bali.

Interested ? you may pm/sms/call : +62 81510341306

Thanks Guys,
Nosyar Rahadi

kaskusqta 22 Aug, 2011

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JUAL DISTRO > JUAL: macam-macam tas organizer murah

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
Mini Shop 23( MS 23 ) adalah online shop Terpercaya dimana kami tidak membuka gerai / stand dimana pun.
Transaksi penjualan dan pembelian via online

sms ke
0857-252-60810 dan
0838 - 669 - 37773.

Mini Shop menjual berbagai produk seperti : Tas Organizer, Baby Diaper Bag organizer,Wallet Hp Organizer,Tas Pesta, Jilbab dan CAR Organizer

Kunjungi alamat kami di

kaskusqta 22 Aug, 2011

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